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Adding to the monument's attraction

The Château Fort is owned by Lourdes Council and is regularly the subject of restoration projects to ensure its safety and enhance its beauty. Listed as a Historic Monument since 1995, the Château Fort benefits from advice and assistance from the Ministry of Culture heritage services.

As a result of a series of restoration works, the monument has returned to its former glory as a heritage attraction. It is an outstanding site and a symbol of the history of the town and of the Pyrenees.


The monument’s attractions have also been enhanced by the introduction of a new system for illuminating the castle walls. The system uses LED lighting in accordance with sustainable development requirements.
A few years after the installation of the new lighting on the Eastern side overlooking the town, part of the Western side visible from the Sanctuaries has been illuminated since July 2013.

Maintenance and restoration works

Restauration des bâtimentsA new project will start in 2013-2014 to repair the artillery fortification on the South Platform. The cliff is also regularly maintained: undergrowth is removed to prevent plants from gaining hold on the rocks and castle walls.